
Smashwords Huge E-Book Promotion/Sale

Are you looking for your next E-BOOK to read. Starting 5th March, until the 11th March Smashwords is having a huge promotion, where all e-books are heavily discounted, some are even FREE. Click on the link below to view the promotion for authors you love to read on the 5th [...]

ARR2023 Book Signing Event

I thoroughly enjoyed myself yesterday at the Australian Romance Readers Association #ARR2023 multi author books signing event. It was awesome to meet so many other authors and chat with you all, oh, and buy some more books that will be added to my TBR pile. And it was lovely to [...]

Valentines Day 14th February Romance Book Reads

With Valentine's Day (14th February) just around the corner, there is no better time than to buy a romance book. Check out my website for my romance books which I have won awards for. *Contemporary Romance* Security *Fantasy/Supernatural/Romance * The Lepidoptera Vampire Series


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